Welcome to the Zilker Hillside Theater Volunteer Signup forms. We are excited that you are interested in volunteering and want to make sure your time helping is enjoyable and rewarding. The button below will let you select the days you are interested in helping out on The Hillside at Zilker. The online signup tool will allow you to select the location, date and time to help staff the show. We need approximately 28 volunteers a night and in the event we are short in some areas, we may ask you help out if able in another area needing support.
You will be emailed the day you volunteer the parking pass and additional information for the evening. Please check in at the information table when you arrive to receive your badge for the evening.
Click the button below to Log-in to the Volunteer Scheduling Tool.
If you need some help with scheduling your time, or if you have problems with the volunteer system, please email me at raymond.freer@gmail.com or call me (512) 565 7369.